WatchGuard DNSWatchGO provides defense and content filtering that protects users when they are outside of the network.

DNSWatchGO is a cloud-based service that provides domain-level protection, content filtering, and integrated security awareness training to keep your users safe when they travel outside of your secure network perimeter.

Price per user, number of users can be entered on the basket page.

From £13.81 + vat
  • Filter:


    WatchGuard DNSWatchGO (price per user)

    For 1 to 50
    1 Year
    3 Year
    For 51 - 100
    1 Year
    3 Year
    For 101 - 250
    1 Year
    3 Year
    For 251 - 500
    1 Year
    3 Year
    For 501 - 1000
    1 Year
    3 Year
    For 1001 - 5000
    1 Year
    3 Year
    For 5001+
    1 Year
    3 Year